About The Hodgepodge

CoverThanks for stopping by The Hodgepodge Podcast. Your hosts are Doug and Dirty A, two guys who have a love of movies and a need to blab about them. They also like other things like music and television, but for the love of God, don’t ask Dirty A to read a book.

Doug is an author and critic who likes to talk all things pop culture. He’s a big comic book and superhero fan, so the current golden age of comic book movies has been a boon to him. His first novel, Great Big World: The Trouble with Dr. Beamo, is available at all online book merchants. Follow him on Twitter.

Dirty A is actually quite clean…well, physically clean, at least. He’s a guy with an insatiable thirst for movies and television and an iPod full of 80s tunes.

How to listen to the Hodgepodge:

You can download our Episodes from iTunes

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(we could use the views)

Also, to read Doug’s latest reviews, click on “Reviews” in the main menu.

You can also read his archived reviews. Just open the widgets in the BOTTOM RIGHT corner of the page and click on “Doug’s Reviews” in the Blogroll.

Thanks again for visiting and enjoy looking around!


  1. Hi I wanted to talk to someone in order to work together.

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